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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What kind of business is Terra?
    Terra is a social enterprise. Social enterprises are becoming more and more popular because they are businesses that are changing the world for the better. Like traditional businesses they aim to make a profit but it’s what they do with their profits that sets them apart – reinvesting or donating them to create positive social change. Terra makes its own profits instead of asking for donations like non-profit organizations. Our aim is to reinvest 100% of those profits back into our business to support our community WASH and CSR programs.
  • Who makes Terra products?
    Terra filters are Proudly Made in Indonesia, by Indonesians! Our workshop is in the heart of Bali. Our filters and containers are artisanal, they are made by hand and in some cases casting methods using local materials and by local artisans who have experience with clay and ceramics. No two filters are the same, each one is one of a kind and unique.
  • Where does Terra get its raw materials from? What is Terra’s manufacturing process like?
    Currently our natural raw materials come from partners in Bali. Our filters are 100% natural and so our manufacturing process is very-low impact on the environment. We do not use plastic, synthetics, or artificial chemicals in any of our products or in our production process. Any waste that comes from our process can be broken up and reintroduced to the earth or reused.
  • Where else does Terra work?
    Terra is an Indonesian company with a Mission to get safe water to families that do not have access to it, and to offer cost savings to those who do, in an environmentally sustainable way. Our Headquarters is in Bali, but we ship filters and work with communities all over Indonesia.
  • How often should I fill it up my filter?
    As often as you like! It’s best to set up a routine to fill your filter then you don’t forget. Most of our customers fill it before they go to bed in the evening, so they have a full container of pure water in the morning. And then again in the morning, since all the water from the night before already went through. Then you have water all day, more than the 19 liter gallons!
  • How does it work? How long will it take to clean water?
    Water from nearly any freshwater source can be used in the filter. Rivers, rain, lakes, wells and government PDAM water can all be put in the filter. If the water is very turbid, meaning it has mud or plant matter in it, you can use a cloth over the top to filter it out before it goes into the filter. The water is filtered at a rate of about 2 liters per hour trapping bacteria and parasites in the microscopic pores.
  • What if my filter is flowing really slowly?
    A brand new filter will take some time to flow at 2 liters per hour. Flush it 3 or more times and it should start to speed up. For older filters sometimes they get clogged with particles from the water. If this is the case follow the instructions on how to clean your filter.
  • Why is it important to only touch the rim?
    Your filter is purifying your water. If your hands are dirty, or you set the bottom of your filter on a dirty surface, you are contaminating where the clean water comes out.
  • What are some scientific studies that show these filters work?
    Please check our “Filter & Care” page for links on the filter’s effectiveness and our laboratory results.
  • What if I want to test my water?
    Feel free to contact us and we’ll point you in the direction of a few of our partner laboratories in town.
  • What happens if it breaks or I see cracks?
    Stop using it and replace your filter unit immediately. If your filter is broken the dirty water may leak into your clean water and that is dangerous for your health. However, our filters are made very strong so breaks and cracks will not happen during every day use if you follow the Care instructions properly. See Warranty information below.
  • How often should I clean it?
    You should clean your filter every 3 months or when the flow starts to slow down. Because your filter is coated in colloidal silver, you do not need to clean your filter very often, if at all! If you want to clean your container more often you may, just make sure you handle your filter correctly when you disassemble the parts. Follow the instructions on the website.
  • Why does the water taste very strong?
    Brand new filters sometimes have a very strong taste of clay and silver. This will not hurt you but we understand that most people do not prefer this strong taste. Therefore, we recommend you completely flush your filter as few as 3 and as many as 5 times before you drink from it. A flush means to fill the filter to the top, and drain it out completely. You can use this water for your plants or for your garden. After the flushes your water should have a very sweet taste which is one of the wonderful characteristics of natural clay mineral water.
  • Why does my filter have white around the rim? What are the crumbles in the bottom of my container?
    Terra filters keep a healthy amount of natural minerals in your water. After some use, filters can develop a white ring around the rim. This is natural! It means your filter is doing its job and filtering out many of the things in your water. The excess minerals will sometimes gravitate to the ring of your filter because it’s the only part that stays dry. In Bali because we are an island and always near a beach, this is usually extra soluble salts and calcium carbonate. It may not look nice on your filter, but it will not hurt you! If there are crumbles in the bottom of the container, don’t worry! This is just the result of using your natural clay filter. These are all-natural products so they will not hurt you and even with this natural rate of erosion your filter will last at least 2 years! If you don’t like the look of the crumbles or if they are affecting the taste of your water, clean your container as often as you like.
  • How often should I get a new filter?
    Your filter has a manufacturer guarantee of 1 year! That means if after following all the instructions and tips for taking care of your filter, if it’s still not working right, we’ll replace it! However, a filter's lifespan is 2 years. We have seen filters last for longer, but we don’t recommend it. We want to be sure you and your family are drinking the purest water possible so be sure to Register Your Filter so we can remind you to get a new one and help you find the closest distributor to you.
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