Our Projects
Since 2020, Terra has been extensively delivering filters and giving education on good WASH practices to the most vulnerable communities. Being connected to a network of amazing local and international organizations, Terra has been involved in numerous projects across Bali and around.
Learn about our past and ongoing projects.
Terra Impact
To The People

Indonesian families using Terra filters instead of buying water gallons can save up to Rp. 6,000,000 (US$430) in two years.

Women and children in Indonesia are often responsible for fetching fuel to boil water. Terra filters help to lift this burden.

Terra educates on good water, sanitation, and hygiene practices to promote healthy lifestyles. Studies indicate children from healthy families are more likely to have better economic opportunities as adults.
Terra Impact
To The Planet
Every year, Indonesia produces 67 million tons of plastic waste. Terra filters provide a sustainable alternative to plastic bottled water.

Switching from single use plastic bottles to renewable water sources and reusable containers could reduce up to 12,000 tons of CO2 emissions by 2022.

As a socially and environmentally conscious company, Terra only uses high-quality natural and locally sourced materials, allowing us to make a low impact on the environment and a high impact on the community.